Jazz Division
Class Descriptions
2023 - 2024 Season
Creative Combo (Ages 3-5)
Dancers will learn all about music, movement, coordination, spatial relations, and the basics of dance technique that will hopefully lead to many fun-filled years of dancing and self-expression. Classroom focus will be on appropriate etiquette, respect for others, and self-confidence. When teaching your children, the instructors will follow the basic principles of Creative Movement: understanding space, time, body, and movement concepts. Creative Combo classes also incorporate the basic elements of jazz, tap and sometimes even tumbling. Dancers will utilize various props and pretend to be different kinds of animals, fairytale characters, and objects in nature. Dancers will also travel through obstacle courses designed to improve fine and gross motor skills. Popular children’s music is used along with props and costumes for creativity and fun. Creative Combo classes will participate in the June 2025 Creative Movement production, Under the Sea.
Intro Classes (Ages 5 to 7)
This class is recommended for the dancer who has already been in Creative Movement or Creative Combo classes and are ready for more structure in class. “Intro to” classes are offered in Jazz, Tap, and Hip Hop. Dancers will also be taught to travel from one corner of the room to the next by way of basic turns, jumps, and leaps. Dancers at this level will still engage in movement-based play to build body connectivity and creativity. Dancers will also learn to count music and dance on the correct musical counts. Dancers will learn the basic steps of jazz dance with turns, kicks, and leap steps to fun, popular, and age appropriate music. This level will perform in the June 2025 production, California Dreaming, JR.
(Creative Combo, Intro to, Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, Teen, and Adult Levels)
Jazz is one of the most popular and well-known styles of dance. Jazz dance is high-energy and technical, and focuses on progressions including turns, kicks and leaps. Jazz classes also include strengthening, flexibility, and conditioning technique to build up overall strength and fluidity of movement. Dancers also learn many fun and trendy dance moves from today. These classes provide a well-rounded foundation for all styles of dance in the jazz division. Dancers will learn choreography to popular and age appropriate music along with vintage and throwback styles of jazz dance from the past. This is a perfect class to begin training in the jazz division.
The difference between Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced classes is based on the level of difficulty offered by the instructor. The higher the level, the more challenging the class. Teen and Adult classes use age-appropriate movements and music. Returning students should always refer to their previous year’s evaluation to determine the appropriate level class to take in the fall.
Adult Classes
(Jazz, Hip Hop, and Tap)
All Creative Combo classes will perform in the June 2025 performance Under the Sea, all Intro to Jazz, and Beginning Jazz classes will perform in the 2025 June production, California Dreaming, JR. All Intermediate, Advanced Company, Teen and Adult classes will perform in the 2025 June production, California Dreaming, SR.
Hip Hop
(Creative Combo, Intro to, Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced, Teen, and Adult Levels)
Hip Hop is one of the most popular forms of stylized American dance today. Television and movies utilize this high-energy, rhythmic and fun dance. Dancers also might recognize this style from the popular dance videos on social media today. In these classes, we teach stylized technique along with popular hip-hop movements that are age-appropriate for the age level of each class. The difference between Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced classes is based on the level of difficulty offered by the instructor. The higher the level, the more challenging the class. Teen and Adult classes use age-appropriate movements and music. Hip Hop promotes self-confidence while also improving dancers’ coordination, physical strength, expression, and musicality. Returning students should always refer to their previous year’s evaluation to determine the appropriate level class to take in the fall.
All Intro to Hip Hop and Beginning Hip Hop classes will perform in the 2025 June production, California Dreaming, JR. All Intermediate, Advanced Company, Teen and Adult classes will perform in the 2025 June production, California Dreaming, SR.
(Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels)
Contemporary and Lyrical jazz are some of the biggest crazes to hit the Jazz dance world since break dancing. Contemporary Jazz combines Modern and Jazz technique with a free form of movement and theme, and dance steps choreographed to the lyrics of a song. It is an ever-changing style of dance that continues to evolve and keeps us wanting more. Lyrical Jazz combines Ballet and Jazz technique to create and softer, flowing style of movement that usually tells a story. Contemporary and Lyrical Jazz are both filled with very technical dance moves that create beautiful visuals that are enjoyable to perform and watch. Jazz experience is required for Intermediate and Advanced levels.
The difference between Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced classes is based on the level of difficulty offered by the instructor. The higher the level, the more challenging the class. Returning students should always refer to their previous year’s evaluation to determine the appropriate level class to take in the fall.
The Beginning Lyrical classes will perform in the 2025 June production, California Dreaming, JR. All Teen and Advanced classes will perform in the 2025 June production, California Dreaming, SR.
(Intro to, Combo, Beginning, Intermediate, Teen, Advanced, and Adult Levels)
Tap classes are the quickest way to develop coordination and rhythmic ability. Tap dancing is a staple of musical theater and is featured onstage in hit Broadway shows and on the screen in movies like Spirited. Tap is high energy with a focus on musicality. Tap is highly recommended for all dancers who desire to have a well-rounded base of dance knowledge!
The difference between Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced classes is based on the level of difficulty offered by the instructor. The higher the level, the more challenging the class. Adult classes are more flexible and welcome all levels. Returning students should always refer to their previous year’s evaluation to determine the appropriate level class to take in the fall.
The Creative Combo tap class will perform in Under the Sea. The Beginning tap classes will perform in the 2025 June production, California Dreaming, JR. All Intermediate, Teen, Advanced, and Adult classes will perform in the 2025 June production, California Dreaming, SR.
Musical Theater Dance
(Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced Levels)
Our Musical Theater Jazz class are very fun and popular for the dancer who loves to perform. We use songs and concepts from Broadway productions and movie musicals to bring characters to life onstage. Some past examples of dances include hits from Hamilton, Mary Poppins, and The Greatest Showman. No singing is needed in order to take part in this class (dancers interested in singing and dancing too are invited to try out our Musical Theater Singing and Dance class)! This style offers the fun and excitement of being in your favorite musical while still focusing on dance Musical Theater Jazz technique helps dancers improve their performance and expression which enhances their dance education and future theater opportunities.
The difference between Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced classes is based on the level of difficulty offered by the instructor. The higher the level, the more challenging the class. Returning students should always refer to their previous year’s evaluation to determine the appropriate level class to take in the fall.
Intermediate and Advanced classes will perform in the 2025 June production, California Dreaming, SR.
Modern/Improvisation Dance
(Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced)
Adult Dance: These classes are open to all adults who want to dance! Some adults may have years of past experience, while others may have none. Adults are always welcome to “pick and choose” what they want to do during class and can wear any comfortable, moveable clothing. Class time will be spent performing technique and choreography combinations adjusted for different levels of ability as needed. Our adult division offers optional performance opportunities in the June 2025 shows, California Dreaming.
Modern/Improvisation focuses on both modern dance technique and dance improvisation for any style. Modern dance classes focus on full-bodied movement, fluidity, floor work, and lots of contemporary partnering and lifts. Dancers will also become familiar and confident with dance improvisation, creating movement on the spot without prior planning or choreography. The class will use fun, game-like improv exercises to increase dancers’ confidence and creativity in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere. This class is recommended for dancers with some previous dance training.
The difference between Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced classes is based on the level of difficulty offered by the instructor. The higher the level, the more challenging the class. Returning students should always refer to their previous year’s evaluation to determine the appropriate level class to take in the fall.
Beginning/Intermediate classes will perform in the 2025 June production, California Dreaming, JR. Teen and Advanced classes will perform in the 2025 June production, California Dreaming, SR.
Musical Theater Singing and Dance
This class offers our performers a chance to live out their dreams of being in a Broadway musical by actually singing and dancing. Dancers are taught singing and movement to songs from different popular Broadway shows. This is a great class for anyone who’s taken our summer musical theater camps and wants to continue it for the rest of the year! No prior singing or dancing experience is required!
This class will perform in our 2025 June productions of California Dreaming.
Turns, Kicks, and Leaps (AKA TKL)
(All Levels and Intermediate/Advanced)
This class is designed for dancers who want to take their dance training to a higher level. As the title suggests, we focus on improving our turns, kicks, and leaps in this class, while also working on flexibility and strength! This class is strictly technique and conditioning to help our dancers build their technique year-round and does not perform in the June shows. Dancers must have prior dance experience before taking this class.